So recently my dear friend Donna and I were musing over why the fall seems to be the bearer of stormy weather in my life. Nothing life threatening usually - just really inconvenient, hard to deal with, hassle after hassle after hassle that I don't have the time (or the money) for. Last year it was the first kidney stone attack, black mold in one apartment, bed bugs in another and two moves inside of 5 weeks. This year it was the death of a Nissan Sentra - with no money anywhere in sight to replace it and then crappy homeschool Science curriculum - again with no money to replace it.
Last year when the storms hit - I was practically panic stricken (ok, not until the bed bugs started eating me alive!). But then God sent his people - my family, my church family and even loose aquaintences into my life with furniture, money, and a willingness to move me into my current house the day before Thanksgiving. It was a traumatic time, but a time that taught me to never doubt that God really will show up - my family really does love me - my friends truly can be counted on - and the Body of Christ moves into action with a speed and efficiency that is miraculous!
This year, while the car dying on the way home from work was an inconvenience, I didn't panic. I kinda knew in the back of my head that this was it for the car. But I felt really calm about it. I had no idea what I'd do for transportation - but the first thing I did (after calling my sweet neighbor for a ride home) was sit and pray. I was truly able to thank God for the knowledge that even though I didn't know what the immediate future held - He did and that He loves me and would provide for me one way or another. How wonderful to feel at peace during a situation that once upon a time would have caused me to become hysterical, depressed and angry. Not only did my neighbor come get me and bring me home, she and her husband loaned me their car for the weekend. Another friend showed up at church with a car for me to use until after the new year when I will hopefully be in a better position to replace my dead car.
Then over the past few weeks I've realized that I can't stand the Science Curriculum I'd purchased for Rebecca this year. I knew of another one that I'd reviewed and really liked, and who several other women whom I trust use with their homeschooled middle-schoolers. It's $100 just to get started with it brand new. I posted a message on a Christian homeschooling support web group asking if anyone had a used copy they'd sell me at a discount. A woman I've never even met just GAVE me hers to use! Another problem SOLVED. Plus, I met the nice woman when I went to pick up the curriculum and now I have a new friend!
Life throws us curve balls. For some odd reason my curve balls do seem to come in the fall. But I'm not afraid of them so much anymore - I'm not at bat alone. I am so thankful for a God that always has my back!
I love this song - it's been an anthem of mine as a single parent a long time - and I think goes well with this blog (I also hope if you're reading this and dealing with a storm or two of your own it will encourage you a bit)...
Amen, Melissa! Well said.
ReplyDeleteThanks LeAnne!