Monday, January 4, 2010

Proof of Christ at work...My Christmas Angels

Because I love the question, "Can I get a witness", I want to share with anyone who cares to read it, what God did in my life this Christmas through his faithful followers, (also because I want a place to keep a record of it as a good reminder to myself) I wanted to share the letter below that I wrote for my friends and family who helped us "Make it through December" this year...

My Sweet, Precious and Dear Friends and family – truly Brothers and Sisters in our Wonderful Christ, how can I ever express my gratitude and thanks to you enough? I am humbled by the incredible expression of love that you all gave me and my Rebecca this Christmas. (this was my feeble attempt at beginning a letter as gracefully as Paul - impossible, I know, but my love for you insists I try)

Just a few weeks ago, I was feeling very bleak about the Christmas Holiday. We definitely try each year to make Christ the central focus of our Christmas celebration – but I’ll be honest and admit it’s been easier to do so in years past, when my thoughts weren’t clouded with worry over the possibility of not even one gift under the tree for my child. Why after all of these years of knowing Christ, did I worry for even a moment? So many areas I feel I lean on Him completely, yet in so many He continues to show me I still need to trust Him – I confess that I am often a “Doubting Thomas”. Thank you all for being the proof of Christ in my life, not only to me, but to everyone I can get to listen to me tell of the wonderful things He has done for us this Holiday Season through you my Christian family (and my ever faithful “family” family). I stand in awe of Jesus and of you in the full knowledge that I am truly and abundantly blessed.

The money (and the prayers that I know you put with it) meant so much – it meant that Rebecca would wake up on Christmas morning with several fun (and even a few necessary) gifts to unwrap, that I’d have the money required for the extra and special food items that make our Christmas traditions “ours”, that I wouldn’t give into my fears and spend money on gifts that was really needed to pay bills (yes, I’ll admit it, I was seriously considering robbing Peter to pay Paul – BLASPHEMY I tell you!). Thanks to your generous hearts, I was able to make Christmas “happen” and still pay all my bills on time. You guys just overwhelm me – I can’t say thank you often enough – and I want you to know how very much I love each and every one of you – you were all Christmas Angels to us this year and I will never forget it.

The whole experience brings to mind several passages from the Bible that I want to share with you. I will attempt to be wary of time for reading constraints and only share these few:

Because I did spend a few nights early in December crying myself to sleep with worry, I think of a portion of Revelation 21:4…”He will wipe away every tear from their eyes…” Thank you for giving me a reason to dry my tears and have joyful expectation of Christmas day.

Financially, this Christmas promised to be a burden, and my lack of funds was definitely a burden on my mind and in my heart, so Galatians 6:2 comes to mind… “Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Thank you for helping to not just carry my burden, but for removing it!

I also think of Acts 4:32… “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.” Thank you for sharing with me and Rebecca.

I love you all and am praying for a prosperous, happy, and Christ-filled 2010 for us all.

Merle Haggard singing "If We Make It Through December" here >>>


  1. Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed,
    Because His compassions fail not.
    They are new every morning;
    "The Lord is my portion," says my soul,
    "Therefore I hope in Him!"

    The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
    To the soul who seeks Him.
    It is good that one should hope and wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord.
    Lam. 3:22-26

    Hallelujah to the Lamb that was slain and sits victoriously on the Throne forever making intercession to the Father for Melissa and Rebecca. Pour out Your mercy and grace, Lord, on them. Bless them and keep them. Strengthen Melissa emotionally, physically, and spiritually as she strives to be the best Mother she can be. Thank You for Your provision for them, and that You never leave them or foresake them. Thank You that You keep their tears in a bottle, and that You are their ever-present Help in time of trouble. May Your favor be upon them in every circumstance as they seek to glorify You.

    In Jesus' awesome name I pray. AMEN and AMEN

  2. AMEN! And thank you so much Becky - we love you! (We also saw Jim on TV on New Years Eve - fun, fun!)
